The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, NASA’s next flagship mission in astrophysics, will be launch-ready in October 2026. The Roman Project Infrastructure Teams (PITs) have sustained funding to partner with the Science Centers in developing the infrastructure needed by the community to pursue Roman’s ambitious science goals. The Roman Galaxy Redshift Survey (GRS) PIT seeks postdoctoral scholars to join our team as Roman Junior Scientists, with work focused on deliverables to the NASA Roman Project. Each Roman GRS Junior Scientist position has a 3-year term, renewed annually upon satisfactory performance, subject to the availability of funding.
Our team includes lead scientists from Euclid and DESI. Team members will closely collaborate and frequently interact with each other. Roman GRS Junior Scientists will be actively mentored, and given opportunities to represent the team at major conferences. They will retain team membership upon completion of their terms, provided they continue being active on the team.
The following list gives an overview of all of the postdoc positions in our team. Not all positions are open at present. Applicants are invited to apply to open positions matching their training and interests. The application must include: cover letter, CV, publications list, and statement of research experience and interests (1-3 pages). Three reference letters should be emailed directly by the references to the same email addresses as the applications. The contacts below are for science-related inquiries only; please only send inquiries on open positions, and send applicaitons only to the address given in the AAS Job Register ad for each position.
1. Grism data simulation and analysis & Cosmological analysis of galaxy clustering data (3 open positions):
Yun Wang (wang*at*, Caltech.
2. Modeling galaxy populations (2 positions):
Claudia Scarlata (mscarlat*at*, University of Minnesota.
Shun Saito (saitos*at*, Missouri University of Science and Technology
3. Semi-analytic galaxy mock catalogs (1 position):
Andrew Benson (abenson*at*, Carnegie Observatories.
4. Large-area galaxy mock catalogs and cosmology with small-scale and non-linear statistics (1 position):
Risa Wechsler (rwechsler*at*, Stanford University
5. Systematics mitigation methods & flux calibration (1 position):
Nikhil Padmanabhan (nikhil.padmanabhan*at*, Yale
6. BAO Reconstruction & systematics mitigation methods (1 position):
Hee-Jong Seo (seoh*at*, Ohio University.
7. 2-point, 3-point, & joint 2pt + 3pt statistics (inc. covariances & likelihoods) (2 positions):
Lado Samushia (lado*at*, Kansas State
Zachary Slepian (zslepian*at*, University of Florida
8. Cosmological analysis of galaxy clustering data (1 open position):
Will Percival (will.percival*at*, Waterloo Center for Astrophysics.